Our types of caviar


Our Beluga has been sustainably produced in first-class quality in Iranian caviar manufactories for several years. It is one of the most exclusive products and one of the most expensive foods available in the world. Beluga caviar, also called black gold, comes from the sturgeon Huso Huso or Acipenser Huso. The largest of its kind and the only predator among the sturgeon can be over 4 meters long. Its normal weight varies between 50 kg and 300 kg. The average caviar yield is between 7 kg and 12 kg.

  • Bred by experienced caviar masters in a complex process
  • The grains reach a diameter of Ø 3,0 – 3,5 mm,
  • Very tender and large grain Very creamy and mild taste with delicate coating
  • Grain color from light grey to anthracite


“Almas” meaning “diamond”, the most valuable and rarest caviar in the world, is only available through a long waiting list. The golden or creamy white roe has an overwhelming taste, according to those who have tasted it. We have the privilege to offer this rare caviar once available and harvested.


This refined cross combines the best characteristics of Beluga caviar with those of Osietra caviar in one product. The golden shimmering nuances and the large, firm grain are particularly appreciated by the star gastronomy. This hybrid sturgeon can be over 4 meters long and its normal weight varies between 100 kg and 200 kg. The average caviar yield is between 7 kg and 10 kg.

  • Bred by experienced caviar masters in acomplex process
  • The grains reach a diameter of Ø 3.0 – 3.2 mm, solid and large grain
  • The taste is very mild and creamy, with a fine almond-like finish
  • Amber color and light brown with golden shimmering nuances characterise this caviar


Our golden caviar delicacy convinces with its fineness and nutty finish in a class of its own. This sturgeon differs from other Acipenser species by short snout with rounded tip and by a lower lip, which is interrupted in the middle. The normal weight varies between 40 kg and 200 kg and the fish can grow up to 2 meters long. The average caviar yield is between 4 kg and 8 kg.

  • Bred by experienced caviar masters in a complex process
  • The grains reach a diameter of Ø 2,8 – 3,0 mm, well defined size, typical
    dodecahedral shape of the grains with solid coating
  • The taste is mild and aromatic with a slight aftertaste of nuts
  • Different colour variations from amber to light brown with golden shimmer


We offer you a fine and tasty caviar of standard quality, obtained through a rigorous selection process and without compromise. These sturgeons are known for their typical elongated body with a pointed snout and can grow up to 2 meters long. The normal weight varies between 30 kg and 70 kg. The average caviar yield is between 1 kg and 3 kg.

  • Bred by experienced caviar masters in a complex process
  • The grains reach a diameter of Ø 2,5 – 2,8 mm, soft and light grain
  • An unmistakable taste, spicy and fullbodied aroma
  • A dark grain colour from anthracite to brown to black

The history of sturgeon caviar

Ancient civilization

There are many myths and legends associated with caviar. If one follows reports of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, it was already in the 5th century BC. BC Caviar and sturgeon brought to Greek banquets with trumpet fanfares and floral decorations.

But it was the ancient Persians who invented salted caviar and to which they ascribed medicinal powers. Legend has it that the word caviar comes from the ancient Persian word “khav-yar”, which means “cake of strength”.

Another of the more common legends about the origin of the word caviar is that the word caviar is derived from the Persian “khag-viar”, which means “little black eggs”.

What we know for sure today is that fishermen on the Caspian Sea and the Volga did not begin to eat caviar as a delicacy, but rather as a staple food. The main reason that caviar became so expensive was rather the fact that it could spoil quickly without the use of refrigeration and that it was only available seasonally to a very limited extent. This made the caviar fascinating and interesting for tsars, princes and nobles.

Properties of caviar

Our caviar not only tastes good, it also contains many healthy nutrients.

Caviar is an aphrodisiac. It contains the vitamins omega 3, A, C, B2, B4, B12, folic and pantothenic acid as well as the proteins arginine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine and methionine. It’s high in calories; approx. 2800 kcal per 100 g. The proportion of saturated fatty acids is extremely low. Caviar is a nutritious food that is extremely high in protein; approx. 26g per 100g.

Beilagen und Getränke, um den Kaviar so richtig zu genießen

Als Beilage zu Kaviar empfehlen wir Blinis aus Buchweizenmehl, Quellkartoffeln, Räucherlachs, Ei oder leicht gebuttertem Toast. Natürlich kann Kaviar auch „natürlich“ genossen werden. Als Getränk eignen sich eiskalter Wodka (3x gebrannt), Champagner oder ein trockener Weißwein.