Caviar is a popular food for Europeans. Caviar is one of the most delicious dishes served cold. This popular food, which has countless fans in Europe, is produced and exported by various companies. But the question is, how can caviar be kept fresh for export? Fresh caviar in Europe Many companies use special and […]
Author Archiv: Mo Ak
Kaviar, ein besonderes Geschenk, das bleibende Erinnerungen schafft. Sie möchten Ihren Liebsten vielleicht ein Schmuckstück oder eine Uhr schenken, aber Sie sind besorgt, dass die Person das Geschenk vielleicht nicht mögen wird. Wussten Sie, dass eine der wirkungsvollsten Methoden zur Kontaktaufnahme darin besteht, die fünf Sinne anzusprechen? Also bietet es sich an, diese Methode zu […]
Was ist Kaviar? Störkaviar wird aus verschiedenen Fischen entnommen und verkauft. Der kostbare Rogen hat einen großen Wert in der Geschichte. In den Jahrhunderten vor Christus fischten die Meder, ein iranischer Volksstamm, Störe aus dem Kaspischen Meer, entnahmen den Kaviar und brachten ihn zu ihren Königen. Kaviar, diese königliche Speise, hat einen köstlichen Geschmack. Heute, […]
Caviar, a special gift for making lasting memories. At first you may want to give a piece of jewelry or a watch to your friend , But you may be worried that he will not like the gift. Did you know that one of the most powerful ways to socialize is to engage the five […]
What is caviar? Sturgeon caviar is extracted from various fish, and sold. This precious roe has a great value in history. In the centuries before Christ, the Medes, an Iranian tribe, fished sturgeon from the Caspian Sea, extracted their caviar and took it to their kings. Caviar, this royal food, has a delicious taste. Today, […]
Serving caviar in party You may be in a special situation, such as having a party where all the guests have a high status. Have you decided what to serve to your guests? Sushi? Fingerfood? You think these foods are very old, so why not serve caviar. The delicious taste of caviar can attract a […]
You may be confused to choose the caviar you want! The questions you may ask: What is the difference between caviar? Which caviar is tastier? Why do caviar have different prices? All of these questions will be answered in this article, but the first thing we need to address in this article is: How is […]